TRANSDICOM (Free SoftWare)
TRANSDICOM C-Find→C-Move→C-Store Free SoftWare
This Program is a DICOM QR Tool.
Please use freely in hospitals and universities.

For Windows
Download site SourceForge.net

if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Source Code

if you want to use this source code for your projects , send e-mail to me, please.
Kenta Nishiwaki
RT Viewer (ValidDicomViewer)
Slice change, WC, and WW changes are done.
If Dose goes well with sagittal view and coronal view, We will publish setup.exe and sources as the public under a CC license (non-commercial).

DICOM Calling Funcion of C-Find,C-Move,C-Store (using fo-dicom library)
using Dicom;
using Dicom.Network;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using TRANSDICOM.Common;
namespace TRANSDICOM.Model
public class DicomClientModel : ViewModelBase
Setting setting;
public DicomClientModel(Setting _setting)
setting = _setting;
int _CMoveCount = 0;
public int CMoveCount { get { return _CMoveCount; } set { _CMoveCount = value; RaisePropertyChanged("CMoveCount"); } }
int _CMoveCurrent = 0;
public int CMoveCurrent { get { return _CMoveCurrent; } set { _CMoveCurrent = value; RaisePropertyChanged("CMoveCurrent"); } }
int _CStoreCount = 0;
public int CStoreCount { get { return _CStoreCount; } set { _CStoreCount = value; RaisePropertyChanged("CStoreCount"); } }
int _CStoreCurrent = 0;
public int CStoreCurrent { get { return _CStoreCurrent; } set { _CStoreCurrent = value; RaisePropertyChanged("CStoreCurrent"); } }
public List GetStudies(string PatientID)
var studies = new List();
var client = new Dicom.Network.Client.DicomClient(setting.FromServerIP, setting.FromServerPort
, false, setting.FromCallingAETitle, setting.FromCalledAETitle);
var cfind = DicomCFindRequest.CreateStudyQuery(PatientID);
bool resComplete = false;
cfind.OnResponseReceived = (DicomCFindRequest rq, DicomCFindResponse rp) =>
if (rp.Status.State == DicomState.Pending)
if (rp.Dataset != null)
string studydate = string.Empty;
if (rp.Dataset.Contains(DicomTag.StudyDate))
studydate = rp.Dataset.GetValueOrDefault(DicomTag.StudyDate, 0, "");
string patientName = string.Empty;
if (rp.Dataset.Contains(DicomTag.PatientName))
patientName = rp.Dataset.GetValueOrDefault(DicomTag.PatientName, 0, "");
studies.Add(new studiesInfo(
rp.Dataset.GetValue(DicomTag.StudyInstanceUID, 0)
, studydate
, patientName));
resComplete = false;
else if (rp.Status.State == DicomState.Success)
resComplete = true;
else if (rp.Status.State == DicomState.Failure)
resComplete = true;
else if (rp.Status.State == DicomState.Warning)
resComplete = false;
else if (rp.Status.State == DicomState.Cancel)
resComplete = true;
client.StateChanged += (s, e) => {
if (e.NewState.ToString() == "COMPLETED")
resComplete = true;
while (resComplete != true)
// Log("waiting...waiting....");
return studies;
} catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }
public List GetSeries(string StudyInstanceUID)
var series = new List();
var client = new Dicom.Network.Client.DicomClient(setting.FromServerIP, setting.FromServerPort
, false, setting.FromCallingAETitle, setting.FromCalledAETitle);
var cfind = DicomCFindRequest.CreateSeriesQuery(StudyInstanceUID);
bool resComplete = false;
cfind.OnResponseReceived = (DicomCFindRequest rq, DicomCFindResponse rp) =>
if (rp.Status.State == DicomState.Pending)
if (rp.Dataset != null)
string modality = rp.Dataset.GetValue(DicomTag.Modality, 0).ToString();
series.Add(new seriesInfo(rp.Dataset.GetValue(DicomTag.StudyInstanceUID, 0).ToString()
, rp.Dataset.GetValue(DicomTag.SeriesInstanceUID, 0).ToString()
, rp.Dataset.GetValue(DicomTag.Modality, 0).ToString()));
else if (rp.Status.State == DicomState.Success)
resComplete = true;
else if (rp.Status.State == DicomState.Failure)
resComplete = true;
else if (rp.Status.State == DicomState.Warning)
resComplete = false;
else if (rp.Status.State == DicomState.Cancel)
resComplete = true;
client.StateChanged += (s, e) => {
if (e.NewState.ToString() == "COMPLETED")
resComplete = true;
while (resComplete != true)
// Log("waiting...waiting....");
return series;
public bool ExecCMove(seriesInfo series)
var client = new Dicom.Network.Client.DicomClient(setting.FromServerIP, setting.FromServerPort
, false, setting.FromCallingAETitle, setting.FromCalledAETitle);
var cmove = new DicomCMoveRequest(setting.DestinationAE, series.StudyInstanceUID, series.SeriesInstanceUID);
bool moveComplete = false;
cmove.OnResponseReceived += (DicomCMoveRequest request, DicomCMoveResponse response) =>
if (response.Status.State == DicomState.Pending)
moveComplete = false;
CMoveCurrent = response.Completed;
if (response.Completed == 1)
CMoveCount = response.Remaining + 1;
else if (response.Status.State == DicomState.Success)
moveComplete = true;
else if (response.Status.State == DicomState.Failure)
moveComplete = true;
else if (response.Status.State == DicomState.Warning)
moveComplete = false;
else if (response.Status.State == DicomState.Cancel)
moveComplete = true;
client.StateChanged += (s, e) => {
if (e.NewState.ToString() == "COMPLETED")
moveComplete = true;
while (moveComplete != true)
// Log("waiting...waiting....");
return moveComplete;
public bool ExecCStoreCL()
var path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location), "tmp");
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
CStoreCount = (new DirectoryInfo(path)).GetFiles("*.*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories).Length;
foreach (var f in (new DirectoryInfo(path)).GetFiles("*.*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories))
CStoreCurrent = CStoreCurrent + 1;
var client = new Dicom.Network.Client.DicomClient(setting.ToServerIP, setting.ToServerPort
, false, setting.ToCalledAETitle, setting.ToCallingAETitle);
var cstore = new DicomCStoreRequest(f.FullName);
bool reqComplete = false;
client.StateChanged += (s, e) => {
if (e.NewState.ToString() == "COMPLETED")
reqComplete = true;
while (reqComplete != true)
// Log("waiting...waiting....");
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
string s = ex.Message;
return false;
public bool ClearCash()
var path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location), "tmp");
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
return false;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
string s = ex.Message;
return false;
public void CashDelete(string targetDirectoryPath)
if (!Directory.Exists(targetDirectoryPath))
string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(targetDirectoryPath);
foreach (string filePath in filePaths)
File.SetAttributes(filePath, FileAttributes.Normal);
string[] directoryPaths = Directory.GetDirectories(targetDirectoryPath);
foreach (string directoryPath in directoryPaths)
Directory.Delete(targetDirectoryPath, false);
catch (Exception ex)
string s = ex.Message;